Thursday, 4 April 2019

It's that time of year again

Yes, Springtime, when the tasks of the garden start to take precedence over other less urgent things.   I have planted up a bunch of tender veggies; three types of tomato, some chilli peppers and aubergines.  Here being inspected by the cat.

I planted out the spuds this morning, on the basis that we're about 2 weeks away from the last frosts so they should be OK.  And the shallots and onions that I planted out a couple of weeks ago are starting to show through.


James Higham said...

Going to be superb, Mark. Let there be abundance.

CherryPie said...

I see you have some feline help with your plantings :-)

Mark In Mayenne said...

Cherie, yes he supervises

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