Wednesday, 6 September 2017

BBC wildlife attempt No 3

The special characteristic of my new camera is its zoom capability; 84 times optical, or to 2,000mm equivalent for a 35mm camera.   It's certainly more than I can hold steady in my hand - to use that sort of magnification needs a tripod or some other physical stabiliser.  But it means that I have a fighting chance of being able to photograph some wildlife without having to get so close I scare it away.  Assuming that I spot it in the first place, of course.

This bird looks like a cormorant to me, and it was drying its wings on the Mayenne river near Laval the other day.  The wingtips are a bit blurry because it was flapping them about.  Unforgivable in a bird, I know, but there you have it.


  1. I think you are going to have fun experimenting with your new camera.

  2. Great wildlife photographer - 'that bird looks like'. Love it.

  3. Yep, fun with the camera. And James as you can see, my Natural talent is profound!
