Thursday, 28 April 2022

Repas des Aînés

It's a tradition for many French villages, including ours, to have an annual lunch for the older villagers.  We qualify.   The lunches are normally held just before Christmas, but this wasn't possible for 2021 because of the covid restrictions.  It was held last weekend, in the village bistrot associatif.

The official arrival time was 12h15, starting with fizz and nibbles, and followed by the start of the meal proper at about 13h45.  My neighbour remarked sarcastically that perhaps we should have eaten before coming.  Apparently, it is becoming trendy in France to prolong the aperatif part of such gatherings, eating only later. 

The meal is prepared and served by volunteers from the village who participate in the meal, and serve table also.   An excellent meal.   It's also a social event, and without giving names away, I observed a cooling of hostilities, a rapprochement, even, between houses Atreides and Harkonen, now that Atreides the Elder has passed on.   Got to be a good thing.

We staggered out at about 5PM.  Anita drove.