Monday 7 May 2018

Spring clearout

We're now in full Springtime mode, with warmer weather (sometimes) and flowers everywhere.  It's also time for the Spring clearout which means selling your stuff at car boot sales (vide greniers; empty lofts in French).  The biggest one in the whole of Mayenne was at Montigné le Brillant last weekend, so we went to this one, and then on to another at Montsurs.  It was hot: 26 degrees in the shade, and most stallholders had sunshades up, and walking around was warm work.  This poor bear must be sweltering in the heat, wearing that black fur coat.

The idea of emptying lofts is great, of course, but it results, potentially in my buying more clutter for my own place.  These car boots were no exception, but the haul was rather unusual for me.  I came across a fine pair of leather shoes, new condition (never worn I think) that happened to fit.  I'm getting a bit tired of my daily uniform of trainers, jeans and T-shirt, so the idea of some different shoes at only €10 a pair appealed.  I bought the two pairs on offer.

I'm usually on the lookout for audio equipment, especially rack-mounted, for use in a sound studio.  My system is in bits at the moment, for want of time and space (and a computer), but there's no harm in buying useful stuff if it presents itself.  Here's a nice little amplifier, of ye olde transistorised design, class A/B, 100 watts per channel, analogue power supply.  It called out to me.  25 euro.  I tested it with some decent speakers and a good source, it sounds remarkably good for what it is.  That'll come in handy.  Honest.  And a couple of CDs to add to the collection, why not?

P.S.  I also noticed the following, that amused me:  "Epilator for sale, used once".

1 comment:

helen devries said...

The only way we would have left a vide grenier without a collection of 'things that would come in useful' is if we had both been blindfolded with out hands tied behind our backs.

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