Saturday, 9 May 2009

Plant swaps

My Dutch friend gave me some twigs from his Buddleja plants at the start of Spring. After some time propogating them, I was pleased to end up with a total of 15 rooted plants in three colours: Blue, white and yellow. Buddleja are known for attracting butterflies, so I am looking forward to seeing my bushes covered in the peacock and other butterflies common in this area, later in the year.

Meanwhile, 15 plants is more than I need, so I had to work out what to do with them. The result: four I have planted already, five I have left to plant, three (one of each colour) I have given away to Marie who runs the restaurant down the road, and the last three I took to a plant sale and swap at the Jardin des Renaudies, about an hour away.

I wouldn't normally go that far for a plant swap, but the gardens are lovely, so the wife and I spent a pleasant afternoon bantering with the stall holders, choosing some nice plants for the garden, finding new homes for my Buddleja, and of course, enjoying the gardens.

Some rooted cuttings

Here's a few pictures of the gardens, but pictures never do gardens justice.

The haul. Not a bad result!

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