Well, apart from being bigger, and with more room, and having staff who greet you with a friendly "good morning", it seemed pretty much the same. Except I have never seen a display of tablet PCs that you can play with in a UK Staples, but perhaps that's because I've not been in one recently.
There was the Galaxy 10.0, an Acer, and various others, and even better, they were connected to the internet. So I downloaded Angry Birds onto one, and showed Dick how to play it (he's not very computer savvy) and on a different one, I downloaded Fruit Ninja. Dick was soon chuckling away to himself as he fired dangerous birds at pigs and I was merrily slicing fruit.
Actually I was introduced to Fruit Ninja by a friend who had it on his iPad, where it ran well. But when I installed it on my Archos 1.01 I found that the processor power was lacking, and as soon as there were two fruits on the screen, it failed to respond to the touch. So I use my Fruit Ninja score as a proxy for tablet PC processor power. That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
You know, I've never understood the attraction to Angry Birds. A friend showed me how to play (but not in a Staples) and my thought was that the game should come with several pints of a good beer...
You are quite right of course, it's a complete waste of time, but I do find it strangely addictive. I don't play it very often but it's a good passtime when in the doctor's waiting room, etc
Staples do have pcs and tablets out to play with in the UK now, as do most big electrical retailers. often full of kids (of various ages) just like the States!
Thanks for the update! I'm glad to hear it; it's important to get a feel for tablet PCs before buying one.
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