By a beautiful river valley in North-West France. This blog is about the day-to-day events in running a group gîte in Mayenne. There's a lot of gardening, maintenance, but, I hope, a lot of fun too.
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Scarce Swallowtail - somewhat of a misnomer because they are not especially scare at all, and in some areas, more numerous than the common variety.
Great sights though. I just had two week sin France and recorded over fifty species without much trying - in UK this year I have about fifteen!
How long did you wait for that one?
I'm impressed with the number of sightings, Mark, I don't count them, but I think I've seen far fewer than that.
James, not long to wait. I saw three of them on the bush so popped out with the camera, took a few shots fairly quickly.
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