Sunday, 16 September 2012

White Admiral?

This one looks to me like a White Admiral, though I could be wrong.  Apparently a White Admiral has a span of some 6cm but this was much smaller, around 3cm I would guess.  Caught it supping on some Asters this morning.  There were three there, all told.


the fly in the web said...

Super photographs...but I haven't a clue about the butterfly.

Mark In Mayenne said...

Thanks Fly!

The bike shed said...

It is a Map Butterfly - so called because of the underwing patterns - an interesting species because the spring brood is almost unrecognisable from the second, late summer brood.

Check out on Google images

Mark In Mayenne said...

Thanks, much appreciated

James Higham said...

For a moment I thought you were flogging rum.

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