Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Autumn update

A walk in the local fields and woods yielded these pictures of autumn fruit, that I thought were quite pretty.

Meanwhile the squirrel continues to evade photographic capture, but this time only because I didn't have my zoom lens.   I'll get him one day.  Some earth-moving operations in the garden had me rescuing slow-worms and lizards all day.   Here's a lucky green lizard.

And finally, our classroom for french lessons displays a happy disregard for aesthetics in pursuit of a solution to lightbulb failure.   In fact there are four such bulb-holders in the room and they all have one spot and one candle bulb, so someone is doing this on purpose.


the fly in the web said...

Was that a spindleberry top left?

Your wall bracket reminds me that somehow we have to deal with re wiring chandeliers originally intended for gas...then wired for France with bayonet to be changed for 110 and screw ins....

I think I'll bury my head for a while...

Mark In Mayenne said...

I have to admit I have no idea what the berries are, sorry!

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