Sunday, 7 July 2013

A swarm of bees

A swarm of bees in May
Is worth a pile of hay.

A swarm of bees in June
Is worth a silver spoon.

A swarm of bees in July
Isn't worth a fly.

This swarm of bees arrived in my garden, just by our front door in fact, today, Sunday the 7th July.  Whoopee.  I spoke to our local bee-keeping lady and she told me that they should be gone in a couple of days or so.  Well, I hope so  - I don't really need them here when we have guests.

Update: Tuesday morning, they've gone, except for a few lost-looking ones.


Steve said...

I hope every single one of them is giving Monsanto the finger.

Helen Devries said...

Choose their moment, don't they...

James Higham said...

Haven't heard that one before.

The bike shed said...

I thought swarms were actually quite valuable if they can be captured?
Apologies for lack of comments recently - struggling with grief for Google Reader

Mark In Mayenne said...

James, I think I heard it at junior school, from a teacher. It's up on the web so I gess it's "legit".

Mark - it depends on the time of year, hence the rhyme.

Helen - well they could have arrived on Friday at the same time as the guests, which would have been worse...

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