Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Weather break

The temperature peaked at 35 degrees here on Monday afternoon, and we got the thunderstorms the same
night as the weather broke.

I like thunderstorms and so I went out to enjoy the lightning and the cool, sitting on a little garden chair in the middle of the courtyard from where I took the picture of the clouds.  At ground level, the sun had set but the upper parts were still illuminated and the sheet lightning added its own fireworks, all accompanied by kettledrum thunder. The picure doesn't quite catch the purple bruise colour of the clouds, nor their rate of change in the turbulence.

We only got the edge of the storm and so I enjoyed the light rain, the wind, and feeling cool for the first time in weeks.   It looked to me that the centre must have passed over Thorigné, a small village a couple of kilometers away.  I confirmed this today as I drove past - the church roof had been holed by a direct lightning strike, the local roofer had already put a tarpaulin over it and a tractor was driving away with a trailer full of broken slates and shattered wood.


Helen Devries said...

thunderstorm this morning in Deux Sevres..a little rain, a lot of noise and the temperatures much cooler, thank gooodness...but a town nearby was flooded.

Mark In Mayenne said...

Hi Helen you back in France? Hope you're not baking too much...

James Higham said...

Ah, another lightning and cool lover. :)

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