Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Kitchen revamp - Routing

I haven't used a router (fr: une défonceuse) before, but to make an invisible right-angle joint in a kitchen worktop, you really need one. In combination with a template (fr: un gabarit) to guide the cutting blade, you shape the interface between the two pieces of worktop, and also cut the dog-bone grooves that accept the clamps to clamp the two pieces together.

The router needs to be rated at 1 kilowatt or more so that it can cut easily through a thick worktop without the cutters jittering, the template is designed to be used with cutters of a specific diameter, and a bush of the corresponding size needs to be fitted to the router.  You need to get a  few things right for it all to come together.

The router cuts leaving a very clean edge, and I'll use it to cut the worktop to length, and to cut out the holes for the sink.

As for the rest of the kitchen, we've painted the walls, papered over the plasterboard and started assembling the cupboards.  The place is starting to look like it might turn into a proper kitchen one day.


James Higham said...

Router is a very expensive tool and does a wonderful job. Indispensable for cabinet work.

Mark In Mayenne said...

Yes, they're expensive, but an excellent tool. And they don't suffer fools gladly.

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