Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Breaking news from the outback

It's getting rather wintry here, the ground is starting to freeze, and there is a limit to how much gardening work that can be done.   I did manage to pressure-wash the fat filters from the septic tanks the other day, but I didn't take any photos of the process.  It was a bit messy.

The compost heap subjugation project is proceeding.  In the early afternoon, when the day has warmed up a bit, I am shredding the top layer of the existing heap and putting the result into the new enclosure, where I hope it will rot down properly.  The old compost revealed by this process is going onto the veg patch.  Should be finished by Spring.

In other news, a big dead tree down the road by the restaurant was blown down in the recent storms - good job that the car that is often parked beside it wasn't there at the time.  And the restaurant, open again after the Christmas break, has some new classy signs up.

1 comment:

helen devries said...

And people ask...what do you find to do in the country?...

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