Saturday 22 August 2020


Can anyone give me an idea of what this problem is with potatoes?  They look fine on the outside, and feel firm, but the middle is black and dry like fungus.    This was a first early variety that I left in the ground too long.


Sackerson said...

Isn't this what caused the Irish famine?

Timbotoo said...

Looks like a problem with the timing of watering the plants. Google “hollow heart”.

ShinyNewThing said...

according to goolge: This is called “Hollow Heart” and is a common problem caused by alternating periods of slow and fast growth during the months after the potatoes are planted. It is very hard to detect in grading and sorting as there is no external indication of anything wrong with the potato. It is not a disease, while unappetizing, the affected area can be cut out and the potato consumed.

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