Tuesday 2 May 2023

St Malo with family

Our return home from the garden fête was cunningly timed to coincide with my sister's trip with her husband, to St Malo for a day's visit and shopping trip.   We picked them up at the ferry terminal when they arrived, and drove straight to the nearest supermarket where a quantity of wine was bought.  I think there was other stuff as well, but mostly wine.   We then went on a tour of the ramparts of the old town, followed by lunch in a créperie, a stroll around the old town itself and a drink in a quirky bar.   At the end of the afternoon we took them back to the ferry.

The ferry that brought them over is in the background; the lunchtime venue in the old town served a good crêpe.

The bar I describe as quirky, calls itself "Le Café du coin d'en bas de la rue du bout de la ville d'en face du port 35" and it is filled with theatrical props, dolls, swinging seats, a confessional (that makes a passage to the toilets) and many other things.   Enough to attract your attention for an entire afternoon if you have the time.   The proprietor sells T-shirts with the name on it, so I got one for the brother-in-law.  So now he's been there, seen that and got the T-shirt.


CherryPie said...

The bar looks pleasantly eccentric.

James Higham said...

Just thinking that “mostly wine” would make a fitting obit.

Scrobs. said...

Lovely place!

We once met the family who had given us our second cat, while strolling around the old streets!

Were you held up on the road at the lock gate into the harbour at all?

Mark In Mayenne said...

Hi Scrobs, we didn't go over the lock gate, but went in via the main town.

Sackerson said...


Bill Sticker said...

I know that bar from a visit to St Malo in 2003. Happy memories.

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