Tuesday, 31 December 2024

Storm damage

We spent a few days in England recently, family visit, swapping of Christmas presents, etc.   We took the ferry over on Friday afternoon and the storm arrived the next day.  The ferries were cancelled over the weekend, but the one we booked back was the first one to run once the storm had passed, on the Monday night.   

There was no major damage to anything at home, but one of the Garria that had be trained up the wall of the grange had been flattened, as in horizontal, and another had become disengaged from the wall, and was leaning over the path.   I was surprised; fixings had been pulled from the wall, steel eyes that had been holding wire supports had been bent.   I'm using new fixings, chemical (resin) wall plugs and stronger steel eyes.

I had to hard prune the flattened one (the near one in the picture), in order to get it back against the wall, and so I had to do the same with the other two plants so it doesn't all look lop-sided.  Nearly finished.  Next job - shredding the removed wood.

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