Tuesday, 25 March 2025

Fat woman

The National Museum of Archaeology in Valletta is well worth a visit, even if you're not especially into the subject.   It appears that the Maltese have lived in interesting times, ever since the first humans set foot on the islands.   Populations have come and gone since ancient times, leaving behind only some of their artifacts, many with no obvious reason for their disappearance.

This fat woman is a little sculpture, maybe 15cm long, on display there.   The bench she is sleeping on appears to be sagging under her weight.   She is topless, and wearing a pleated skirt.   Since fabrics decay over time, little carvings such as this are the reason we have some idea of what the people might have worn.

Does she have some kind of neck scarf?   I didn't notice that before.


CherryPie said...

I was fascinated by this carving on my visit to the museum.

I hope you both enjoyed Malta as much as we did.

Doonhamer said...

She is not fat. She just has good child bearing hips. And a certain grace.

Mark In Mayenne said...

Hello Doon, I hope you realise that my succinct description of said woman was somewhat tongue-in-cheek. She is what she is, of course, but never in all the descriptions of the carving, did I see her referred to as a fat woman. Plump lady, yes, full-figured, etc. So I thought I would clear things up. The carving is of course, exquisite, to anyone with eyes to see.

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