Three little bundles of trimmings ready to be planted

A row of three varieties of cuttings, waiting for watering, and the seasons of Winter and Spring to put their roots out.
This afternoon I have the happy task of planting out the rose cuttings Leo gave me this Springtime, into their permanent positions in beds I have prepared for them. ("Come, and enjoy crowns and rewards I have prepared for you" from Song for Athene, played at Princess Di's funeral (my italics))
Do add Zephirine Drouhin to your rose collection. It needs care against mildew and black spot, but it's worth the effort.
Thanks, Tim, I see that Zépherine Drouhin is strongly scented too, which I like, so I'll put it on my list.
We've had one here since we made the garden. It hasn't had the best attention, but it's glorious to smell. Because it has no thorns it's a great rose for a pergola, or surrounding a drinks terrace.
geweldig idee en Mark thanks for your plants today. We have put them immediately into the soil.
Nogmaals bedankt en tot ziens.
Dutch Friend La Renardiere
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