Some good friends invited us to go skiing with them, so we went. The wife did most of the organising in fact, and as a result we had a great time in Chamonix. The French railway company SNCF lay on some special trains for the skiing season so we took the train direct from Le Mans that connected to a short commuter train ride from the resort. Our TGV turned out to be a Train of Great Slowness and we arrived an hour and a quarter late for a half-hour connection. But we got there anyway, settled in to the hotel, and sussed out the ski hire for the next day.
The view from the hotel room, and Chamonix town square

Our wonderful instructor Annette. Her real name is Anne but she is tiny, and the suffix -ette in French means little. And the first view of the ski slopes... It's been a long time since I skied so I hope it all comes flooding back.

Skiing is an activity, but it's also an atmosphere, a feeling. The quiet of the slopes, the rush of speed, the feeling of stillness when you stop, the cold, fresh air. And the views, of course.

You really do lead a hard life don't you!
I have to say, these are the first ski-holiday snaps I've seen that aren't all just anonymous people in shades and colourful puffa suits. Although you manage a couple of those, it's good to see some other shots, especially the fine town house.
How blessed and charmed is your life, you must have been Buddha in a previous life.
I have to say that I don't get the appeal of strapping sticks to your feet, using two other sticks and hurling yourself down a mountain.
The whole process sounds scary to me, especially the hurling yourself down a mountain bit.
Am I scared of skiing, NO what I am afraid of is breaking my neck, which I am convinced would be my fate.
It's nice to know that you are having a break and enjoying yourselves.
Much love
I don't think I could purposely barrel down a mountain but I'm in awe of those who do.
It's a great information and pics are sharing for lovely holidays enjoyment for skiing. Thanks for publish a lovely information.
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