Tuesday, 28 August 2012


The 15th August is the date of our village fête.  The mix of things that go on varies from year to year according to who is organising it and who they are on good terms with.   This year, apart from general conflab around the village bistrot (open on high days and holidays) there was a painting competition, "painters in the streets" whereby local artists paint pictures of local sights and landmarks. The works are judged at the end of the afternoon.  The day ends with a communal dinner, and the streets are then lit with 5,000 candles, and very cute it looks too.  The late stayers can enjoy a concert in front of the church.

I go this event if I can, it's always a good excuse to maintain good neighbourly relations and to keep up with the local gossip. The dinner and candles are worth going to in and of themselves.

So I'm there with my camera, on the lookout for photo opportunities, taking happy snaps, trying to soak up the atmosphere.  Here's what I thought was going to be a super shot of a cute and chic archetypal French artiste, absorbed in her work.

Never mind, things don't always turn out as I thought they would.


Tim Trent said...

The thing is, I see a chic archetypal French artiste. In boots, obviously

the fly in the web said...

Yet another indication that I need to change my glasses....

Mark In Mayenne said...

Ah, Mr Penguin gets it.

James Higham said...

The world is rapidly shrinking.

Mark In Mayenne said...

She's asian, (a relative of the baker's wife in fact) but am I the only one who finds the enormous concrete bollard a bit distracting too?

Tim Trent said...

I admit to having thought the bollard might be the mistake in the picture!

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