Monday, 9 March 2015

New adventures in crockery

So there we are in this factory china shop, buying lasagne trays.  Not a particularly interesting passtime.  But I was surprised to see a new invention: crockery pots that you can use on an induction hob.  Apparently they are especially resistant to thermal shock, and you can use them on any kind of heating appliance.  We bought one.

The company has a patent on the material.   (French for patent: un brevet, that is also the same word for diploma or certificate).


Helen Devries said...

I like the sound of that pot....probably take twenty years to get here...

CherryPie said...

You will have to keep us informed on how well the new pot performs!

James Higham said...

Which one is it from the photo?

Mark In Mayenne said...

Helen - it could well take a long time, but they don't ship.

Hi Cherry, it'sll be the hottest series since Game Of Thrones!

James - it's in the third picture, that shows (to the left), one of the pots (white ceramic, next to the saucepan) heating up on an induction hob.

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