Wednesday, 30 September 2015

Joys of Autumn

Well, of course there's garden tasks to be done.   The grass is a lush green again after the summer drought, so needs frequent cutting.  And the logs need to be split and stacked before the winter rains really set in.  The Wisteria is scrambling over the roof, and I've taken it off before it does any more damage to the tiles.  Now to replace the tiles.

The garden is blooming well, with Dahlias now at their best.  I have several new ones this year and they all seem to be doing well.

I grew this grass from seed this year, and although it's pretty, I fear it might spread a bit rampantly.  The dwarf Asters are looking nice; the taller ones are not all out yet.

Finally, some yellows.  I think the daisy-like ones are hardy prennials, but I have forgotten what they are.  And the (yellow) red-hot poker, a gift from June (thanks, June!) survived last winter after its autumnal re-housing, and is now blooming nicely.  (Though I think she'd prefer if I called it kniphofia).

And now I'm off to do some more work re-fixing the tiles that were dislodged by the Wisteria.


Unknown said...

Perhaps 'Yellow hot poker'?

Mark In Mayenne said...

Yes, it does clash rather, doesn't it? :)

CherryPie said...

All looking very pretty :-)

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