Saturday, 7 November 2015

Sens cathedral

Moving on from Villeneuf l'Archeveque, we stopped for a flying visit to Sens.  The cathedral there is quite special, being essentially a model for many of the gothic style churches in France.  It's famous for, amongst other things, sheltering the turbulent priest Thomas à Becket for a time, when he had to distance himself from the English king Henry II.

The story of this visit, and of other scenes of religious importance are depicted in some of the fine stained glass windows around the building.  This site shows them better than my photographs, so I'll let you read about it there.

To bring us down to earth, a local brewery has capitalised on this piece of history, and is marketing Becket beer.  I took a photo from the car as we whizzed past.


CherryPie said...

That is a nice looking Cathedral, I would love to enter in through those doors :-)

You probably know that I have a thing about Churches and Cathedrals...

Mark In Mayenne said...

Yes, I did notice a certain enthusiasm :)

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