Friday, 1 April 2016


For our last day in England, Anita wanted to visit a dolls' house shop in Whitchurch, and I used it as an opportunity to meet up with an old school friend.   Melvin is a confirmed bachelor, retired from the IT sector with plenty of time to indulge his wide-ranging curiosity wherever it manifests.

Over a coffee and bun in H's Coffee Shop, we discussed low-energy housing, plumbing, electric motors, soldering and building regs.  He showed me the apps he has created for his Android device, displaying the free-to-download O.S. maps, and railway timetables.

For lunch we found a local curry place, Blue Ginger, that was proudly displaying a 5/5 food hygiene rating on the door.  I admitted to the owner, who introduced himself as Nick, that a top-rank food hygiene award was not normally something to be expected of Indian restaurants.  He was keen to point out that they were Indian, from Goa, and not, say, from Bangladesh.  The curry was excellent.

In the afternoon, we visited the Hillier garden, that was offering some fine displays of Winter colour.  And a cat.  And from then on to the ferry home.


Helen Devries said...

The food hygiene cert made me smile...and wonder how many of my local caffs in France could have made the grade!

James Higham said...

Looks lovely, a real Goa in fact. [I'll get my coat.]

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