Friday, 29 July 2016

La Roche-Bernard

We spent an afternoon at Roche-Bernard, a breton fishing port, now a marina and tourist spot.   It's a pleasant, if unremarkable, outing.

We had lunch in the restaurant called the Sarah B, after Sarah Bernhard, where we had the best Thai style food we've had outside of Paris.  There were only two Thai dishes on the menu and we each had a different one.

Since it was hot, we bought some tickets for the noddy train that takes you around the town, with a running commentary included.  Apparently, some 25% of the boats in the marina are owned by Brits.  Not a lot of people know that, although the number that do increases by about 30 every hour or so during the day.

Here's a few random snaps of the town.


helen devries said...

I remember a restaurant with an English language menu promising 'shelf fish'.....and also met an expat neighbour in a boatyard sprucing up his yacht for the annual run to the West Indies to pass the winter...

James Higham said...

Don't know which is better - the cuisine or the noddy train.

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