The replacement arrived a few days ago, a Cub Cadet mower with zero turn radius so I can get around the many trees in the garden, and it seems to be built like a brick outhouse. The left/right forwards/backwards driving levers take a bit of getting used to, but I'm sure I'll manage it. And it goes fast for a lawn mower so I hope I can cover the ground much more quickly. Seems to cut well and evenly too. It's narrower than the old one, but the width used to give me some problems in the little corners.
For those interested, here is a link to the French website, with all the details. It's an X25 L107 that is the smallest in the range with a cut about 90cm wide. I took it out on the weeds yesterday and am very pleased with what it does; I cut the whole area in an hour or so, running at about half throttle. When I get more used to the steering I will be able to do it even faster. It's a petrol engine with electric start, 679cc. The battery/starter motor combination turns it over very easily.
Don't look at the US website since the much lower prices there will make you cry.
Don't look at the US website since the much lower prices there will make you cry.
Note - from a friends experience - that variations in pressure or wear of the rear tyres will make it wander off a straight line without constant correction!
Our employee was looking at ride on mowers lovingly last week but as Leo pointed out to him, with the slopes in this place he would be headed on a downhill slalom before he knew where he back to the machete.
Hi Microdave, yes the mower doesn't have the self-centre action of a normal steering system
Come on, what's the spec on the new one? Photo please, petrol or electric, mpg etc!
Thanks for the link. Your new one is mean looking, like a Transformer robot half way through transforming from vehicle mode to robot mode.
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