Sunday 11 August 2024

Hearing aids

My stereo was giving me problems; the sound balance was wrong.   In order to hear fully what was going on, I had to turn the volume up, and the solid state amps would go into clipping, that awful sound they make when they sound like they're too loud but aren't, in fact, as loud as real musical instruments.   I was thnking I would need to buy a more powerful amplifier.

Conversations with one or two people were fine, but in meetings with 15 or so, those at the other end of the table were unintelligible, things being made worse by they fact they were, not unreasonably, speaking french.  My mother, and my sister who is 5 years younger than I am, both use hearing aids.   Ok so I'll get my ears tested.

They're dinky little things, and quite discreet, not that that concerns me too much.   I got them under the french health system from an outfit called "EcouterVoir" who seem highly professional, and have an outlet at Evron where I often go.  After all the medical subsidies, 350 euro for two, to include a charger at 150 (!) euro..   And they work great.   And Anita can't believe how quietly I am happy to play the stereo.


CherryPie said...

The hearing aids do look neat and hopefully comortable but most importantly they have helped your hearing.

James Higham said...

What a relief … for Anita too?

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