Sunday 1 September 2024


When I was last in England, I wandered into a kitchen shop.  I had started regularly to eat a poached egg for breakfast, and wondered if there was any gadget that would make cooking it easier.   This little pot is designed for poaching eggs in the microwave.   You grease the pot, put the egg in, prick a hole in the yolk to stop it exploding, clip the cover on, then cook it.

It's important to prick the yolk, since an explosion is guaranteed if you don't, and pricking it is supposed to prevent this.  Well it didn't this morning.   Blew the little plastic top off (it still clips on though - a miracle!) and splattered the egg.   I had cleaned up much of the mess before I thought to take a photo, but it did make a mess.    I really need to experiment to get the right combination of power and duration of cook.


James Higham said...

Now all I need is a microwave to go with it.

CherryPie said...

We have something like this to poach eggs. It is a lot less exciting and more versitile ;-)

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