Friday 6 September 2024

Sign of the times

The Hotel Beauséjour at Ste Suzanne is closing down.   They have been looking for a buyer for a while, without success, and they are now selling off their equipment.   The Hotel du Commerce in Vaiges has been closed for a few years now since the owners retired.   There were talks about turning it into an old people's home, but they come to nought, as far as I am aware.   That's two large hotels, both within 20 minutes of us, gone.

Booking dot com and Air B&B are reporting downturns in activity, and we are also seeing this.   Our laundry service who deal with smaller accommodation business in the area have complained to us that they have less business than usual, since there are fewer tourists.

My own opinion is that no-one has any spare money, what with the swingeing increase in energy prices and the increase in mortgage rates here from 1%-ish to 4%-ish.  Competition from the olympics probably doesn't help, either.


James Higham said...

Wonder if they're the ONLY reasons, Mark.

Mark In Mayenne said...

What are you thinking of, James?

CherryPie said...

That is a shame it looks like a delightful place to stay.

One of our local hotels, which has always had a problematic existence has just unexpectedly closed its doors, made staff redundant and been put up for sale.

It is in a lovely location so I am not sure why someone can't find a viable business model to make the venue work.

James Higham said...

There are impediments to travel now, official ... then a growing fear, esp. among the elderly ... safety concerns because of massive changes ... then there is your factor of no spare cash and of course, the question is ... why not?

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