Sunday, 2 November 2014

Paint and repaint

Paint loses its gloss and fades over time, faster in sunlight.   I've been redoing some of the painted woodwork of the gîte over the last week or so.  Not especially rewarding work, in that the result is simply that things are back to normal again.  And if it wasn't for Batiments de France, we'd have used anodised ali doors and windows, so this painting wouldn't have been necessary.  Thanks, guys.

This picture shows the contrast between the faded and the new paint.  I suppose, in the end, it's nice that it all does look shiny and new again.


the fly in the web said...

Ah, yes...Batiments de France....something else I was glad to leave behind.

CherryPie said...

The renewed shade of red is very nice.

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