Sunday, 2 November 2014

The mayor's walk

We got to know our village mayor quite well during the gîte restoration project.   He's retired now; he didn't stand again at the last election.  Being (I think) in his late 70s now, and having had a megatuple heart bypass op in the not too distant past, he is taking life easy.  I think he's earned it.

We met him on the road past our house the other day, he was taking a constitutional walk, these being extremely good for heart recovery and general health.  During our chat, he described his route to us.  Just over 6 kilometres, and with sections of it that I don't know at all, so I decided to trace his steps yesterday.   Mild weather, threatening autumnal skies, breezy.  Here's some pics.


CherryPie said...

That looks like a lovely place to go walking. It looks like the weather was kind to you and didn't rain.

Helen Devries said...

Good to discover something new in your own area...

James Higham said...

Ah, so tranquil.

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