Saturday, 20 June 2009

Mayenne Muppets

The Mayenne is a relatively little-known area of France, at least for Brits, it has to be said. People have heard of Normandy and Brittany that lie between us and the channel, and of course they have heard of the more famous coastal holiday locations, the wine-producing areas, and the Loire Valley chateaux. But, generally, not the Mayenne.

The Powers that Be are keen to attract more tourists to this area, but appear to be at a bit of a loss as to how to do it.

Here is a page from a guide I picked up today in Laval, explaining the special features of an English-language guided tour of Laval's architecure through the centuries, that I will leave for you to read.

For my part it's clear to me from this brochure page, that if I went on this tour, I would understand perfectly everything that was told to me about Laval, and would come away with great cultural learnings of France for make benefit glorious nation of Britain.


Lia said...

Ha! ha! ha! ha! ha! ha!

I read the leaflet before I read your post and I just thought it was my dyslexia playing me up, in fact I read it twice.

That is one of the funniest things I have read in an age, almost packed and ready to visit, it sounds a great place for this dyslexic to visit.

I might finally learn some French culture and history...eek!!!

ReedBunting said...

I would love to go on a great travel in the machine togo!! So funny, I can't believe they didn't get someone to check it before publishing...

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