Random musings on running a private hotel / gîte in Northern France
Sunday, 2 August 2009
Back home, and it rained all day yesterday. This brings the slugs and snails out in force. But you can find beauty in unexpected places, if you keep your eyes open.
And for some reason, the Cyclamen are also out. Not their time of year, I thought. Well, perhaps they like it here :)
Who'd have thought slugs and snails could be so pretty? I especially like the snail with the shiny chestnut brown shell, lovely.
By a beautiful river valley in North-West France. This blog is about the day-to-day events in running a group gîte in Mayenne. There's a lot of gardening, maintenance, but, I hope, a lot of fun too.
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Who'd have thought slugs and snails could be so pretty? I especially like the snail with the shiny chestnut brown shell, lovely.
That's odd as I was in the garden a few days ago and noticed that my cyclamen are out as well.
Something is afoot here.
much love,
Lia xx
I stepped on a slug once.
It was not one of my finer moments.
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