Wednesday, 10 February 2021

A drained lake

I was getting a bit bored with the local walks around here so I decided to go a bit farther afield and walk around the lake at the Gué de Selle.

It's a pretty lake and I havent been there for a while.  It's  great place in Summer; there's sailing, a bit of canoeing, and even a small sandy beach where you can picnic.   There's a fine hotel nearby where, in more normal times, you can grab a coffee or meal.   The trouble was, the lake was empty.

I don't know what work they were doing, but it wasn't espcially pretty to look at.  I guess it must be necessary, but I wonder what happened to all the fish?


CherryPie said...

I feel for you. I crave to walk further afield, the recent rainfall has left puddling and flooding areas have blocked my pathways to new adventures from my doorstep.

James Higham said...

Thought you were going to say you'd drained the lake yourself.

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