Tuesday, 30 March 2021

Free dirt

In refinishing the grass area destroyed by the wild boar, I find myself in need of some topsoil to fill in the holes.   You can buy it commercially but it's only available when there is construction work going on that digs it up, so supply is not very reliable.   The only enterprise locally that had any was asking €50 the metre cubed, which I though was a bit much.   Anita put in a request on a facebook group to ask if anyone had any to get rid of and they suggested looking on le bon coin, a French small ad site, so I did. 

Turns out that someone has done some demolition not far from me, so I went with a trailer, wheelbarrow and shovel.  Free for the asking, requiring only a bit of sweat and energy.   Can't be bad.  Also, here's a free pic of the wild daffs I saw on a walk the other day.


Timbotoo said...

We live close to a marisma where the wild things are. Throw out a dead fowl and there will be no trace in the morning. Some wild pigs have started invading a field which we have left fallow. The destruction they leave in their wake is impressive. Looks like pirates who’ve forgotten the place they left buried treasure.

CherryPie said...

A great solution to your problem.

I hope the boars don't trouble you again.

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