Monday, 28 February 2022

Rock 'n roll

I'm preparing a bed in the veg patch for potatoes.   This is a new area, never been cultivated, at least in my time here.  It's full of rocks that I have to remove to give the spuds a chance.   So I have been forking it over, taking the stones and rocks out.

Some of the rocks are quite big; boulders you might say.  This one here is too heavy for me to lift, so I have to roll it to get it where I want it.  There's another, even bigger one to the left of the wheelbarrow in the second pic.


Woodsy42 said...

If you don't have a sack trolley you might try rolling them onto a sheet of strong plastic sheet then sliding them by towing the plastic sheet. Allows you to use your body weight and legs rather than arms.

Mark In Mayenne said...

Thanks Woodsy, I will try that. I think a sack trolley would have problems with the uneven terrain, but a tarpaulin or plastic sheet with well do the trick.

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