Saturday 16 April 2022

Plant protection

The winds last autumn destroyed the plastic covering of my greenhouse.   The frame itself wasn't in especially good condition either: the joints for the metal rods are plastic and they bent easily under strain.  I had already bought a second set after some earlier gales destroyed the original lot,  so I decided that by now, it wasn't worth investing any more money in trying to keep the greenhouse in its original state.

After some thought as to what I could do with the frame, I decided that the top arch could still be useful as a protecion for tender plants, so I invested €10 in some plastic sheeting, just wide enough to go the length of the tunnel, and long enough to go all the way around.   The result is some gentle protection for the tomato plants that I will plant out some time next week.

I have also pressed into service, these corrugated translucent fiberglass panels, to protect the sprout plants from pigeons.   I planted a bunch of lettuce on the outside; perhaps they will act as a decoy to the slugs and birds.

1 comment:

James Higham said...

Pigeons? Not terrestrial varmints at all?

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