We had a meeting in Laval recently, drove in, parked the car nearby. I went to the nearest pay machine where someone was in the process of paying. So I waited. And waited. And waited. In the end I gave up and walked the slightly longer distance to the machine on the other side of the road. I have to admit that I was harbouring negative thoughts about people who take too long to do a simple transaction like buying a parking ticket.
So I troll up to the machine, press all the buttons and try to tell it that I want to pay for an hour, and not the ten minues default, with my credit card. Failure. It tries to take 20 centimes for a short stay. Try again. Same result. By the third time, Anita susses out that there's something awry and comes over to help. Problem persists. Eventually we pay with coin. Success! The guy at the other machine is still there when we set off for our meeting.
I notice that the machine takes your photo as you fight with it, presumably in case you feel like smashing it in frustration.
Dealeth not with govt machines, yea, even those which be local.
It is so annoying when the machines decide to take over.
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