Monday 12 June 2023

Dances with cows

A big event in Evron; a 2-day feria.   A celebration of music, a car boot sale, and derring-do with cows (vachettes), hosted by the Harmonie of Ste Suzanne.   We had a ticket for lunch and the last cow event on the Sunday.

Music was provided by Bandas from around the country, a Banda being a wind band that usually plays standing up, and marches/coreographs along to the music.  Each has its own style of outfit and presentation.    Best heard rather than listened to, and danced to with abandon whilst drunk.

The vachettes gave an interesting display.  They clearly had been carefully trained - they stopped advancing if the people climbed the barrier, and were very careful to avoid treading on people who were on the ground.   The professionals gave a performance of leaping over the charging vachettes or dodging them, and this was followed by people selected from the audience trying their luck, for example in an attempt to score goals by getting the cow to chase them between two goal posts.   Some with more luck than others.

And I also got 5 larger-size socket spanners at the car boot.  5 sizes, 26 - 30mm.

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