Saturday, 20 March 2021

We sailed on the good ship Venus

Concarneau has a pretty walled town on a promontory in the bay.   It is lined with shops selling local produce and touristy souvenirs.  There was a wonderful spice shop with all sorts of spices for curries, pizza oil, herb teas and so on.  It smelt divine.  We bought some chilli oil spice for pizza oil, and some curry spices.  The rain chucked down as we left the shop.

The walled town is dotted with informative notices on the history of the buildings, and the entrance displays some ancient cannons, retrieved from the sea bed, originating from the good ship Venus that sank a couple of years after it was built.  Joyful memories of boyhood rhymes, of which one verse survives bowlderisation.

The bo'sun's name was carter,
He really was a farter,
When the wind wouldn't blow
And the ship wouldn't go,
We got Carter the farter to start 'er


James Higham said...

Reminds me of a place I stayed after Jersey ... St Malo. Beach not unlike, shops etc.

The bike shed said...

Ha ha - that made me laugh. Oh how I long to come back to France

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