Saturday, 17 June 2023

Big farmer

There was a wedding in the village yesterday.  The elder daughter of the mayor was marrying the father of her kids.   The mayor is a farmer, as is at least one of his sons, and this daughter too, I  understand, has a farm out near Rennes.  I happened to wander in to the village just as the ceremony was ending, and saw the bride and groom depart on a platform fitted to the most humungous tractor that I have ever seen, and I've seen a few around here.   I don't think the pictures capture the size.  Big, it was.


Woodsy42 said...

Of course, were that in the UK, the new wife, tractor driver and tractor owner would probably all be arrested for improperly carrying a passenger in an unsafe manner, while the owner's tractor insurance would also be invalid for carrying passengers so that's a few licence points. I liked being in France, people used common sense rather than just petty regualtions.

James Higham said...

Way to go, Mark.

CherryPie said...

It looks like fun :-)

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